Thursday, December 3, 2009

The True Cost of Commuting

We are all looking for ways to save money in these tough economic times. Even better, how about earning extra cash amidst all the negative news?
One simple and guaranteed way is to put away the car (or better yet sell it) and begin walking and biking.

It is common knowledge that most households spend more than necessary on their vehicles. The American Automobile Association estimates that operating a typical SUV exceeds $8000 per year. Increase your commute distance and this can easily reach $10,000 - $12,000 based on the True Cost of Driving Calculator.

Now let’s say you buy a used but reliable car or sell an extra car and minimize your driving by utilizing transit, biking or walking you can easily cut your expenses in half. This results in an annual saving of $4000 - $8000 dollars.

This saving invested with a rate of return of 7% would yield $60,000 to $130,000 over ten years and $190,000 to $380,000 over twenty years. Do this for forty years and you would earn over a million dollars just by reducing your automobile use by half!!!!

This may seem far fetched, but combine this with rising fuel cost, climate change and ever increasing infrastructure cost paid for by the taxpayer and this represents real savings.

In fact, the Urban Land Institute recently reported in “Creating A Framework for a Green Economy”, Spring 2009 that families are searching for “foreclosure resistant neighborhoods where transit costs are low (about 9% of household expenditures)” as opposed to the “foreclosure-risky neighborhoods in the exurbs where transportation costs are high (25% of household expenditures)”. In this scenario, say the family expenditure is $4000 per month. If transportation costs are 25% of that number or $1000 versus 9% or $360 this represents and annual savings of $7680.

Put another way, by using the True Cost of Driving Calculator a home buyer can determine the real cost of choosing a “walkable” neighborhood versus a home requiring commuting and additional vehicle trips for all of life’s necessities. Using the cost savings of $8000 per year discussed above, a family could afford an additional $650 dollars per month. This monthly savings represents an additional $100,000 in home purchasing power. By utilizing this buying power a family could choose a home in a walkable neighborhood which reduces transportation costs and thereby reduces impact to the environment, is healthier for the entire family while improving the sense of community and for all these reasons is a significantly better financial investment.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

UW Bothell Sets Fall Enrollment Record

Founded in 1990, the University of Washington Bothell was created to bring the world-renowned University of Washington traditions of academic excellence to residents on the Eastside, North King and Snohomish counties, as well as from around the state, the nation and the world.

The campus, which is shared with Cascadia Community College is situated on a 128-acre site and is home to one of the States most successful wetland restoration projects. Bordering this important area are trails connecting the UW to the Sammamish River and Burke Gilman Trails. Originally, this property was home to the Boone-Truly Ranch.

The UW Bothell’s architecture truly stands out by combining modern architecture with an emphasis on blending into the surrounding environment. Construction materials and techniques used were environmentally friendly and the buildings utilizes advanced technology for both faculty and student use. As a result, the campus received the American Institute of Architects 2002 Honor Award for Washington Architecture.

The UW Bothell is an accredited unit of the University of Washington and home to more than 2600 students. Both graduate and undergraduate programs are offered at the UW Bothell campus.

By participating in and hosting locals events, attracting the brightest students and educators and being located less than a mile from Downtown Bothell the University of Washington brings economic stability, diversity and vitality to the entire region, and specifically to the Bothell area.

Whether simply using the grounds to take a scenic run, visiting the library, attending special events or actually attending classes at the UW Bothell, this important amenity guarantees the continued growth and vitality of the Bothell area. In fact, this year’s fall enrollment set an all time record with 2,374 full time equivalent (FTE) students, or a headcount of 2,801 walking through the doors. This represents an overenrolled at 116% and in comparison, 2008 enrollment included 1,899 full time equivalent students and a headcount of 2,288.

Both Village Walk and Ross Road Communities were designed to take advantage of all that Downtown Bothell has to offer. Restaurants, Civic Buildings, Recreational Opportunities, Shopping, Libraries and of Course the UW of Washington Bothell Campus are all located in safe and walkable distance from these two new and exciting communities within Downtown Bothell.

Village Walk is located just under 1 mile from UW Bothell

Ross Road Townhomes is located just half mile from UW Bothell

Friday, October 30, 2009

Google unveils the new Kirkland Campus Wednesday

This past Wednesday, October 25th, Google held a ceremonial opening of the new Kirkland Campus located at 747 6th Street South. Brier Dudley of the Seattle Times attended the opening and discusses the reasons why Google selected Kirkland for its new campus:

“best high-tech places in the world” states Alan Eustace, Google Senior Vice President.

“I’d rather be part of a community than just another building.” states Larry Page, Google Co-Founder.

Google’s reasons for choosing Kirkland are not only held by the business community but echoed by residents and employees as well. First and foremost whether resident, employee or employer we are all striving to be part of a larger community and in turn, community needs all these components to thrive. The pieces need to be thoughtfully designed, compact, sustainable and with a focus towards quality of life. Something Kirkland has.

A walkable community (i.e. Kirkland) by definition fulfills all these criteria by putting work, play, home and the environment together in a safe and thoughtfully designed way that merges resident, employee and employer into one.

The Google campus is another significant addition to the areas cluster of high tech companies, higher education such as the University of Washington, and other businesses together creating collaboration and synergy that will foster stability and confidence in our region for both residents and employers. This confidence in turns supports necessary infrastructure required to sustain a vibrant urban area.

Similarly, the new Nettleton Community is also a significant addition to the City of Kirkland, in response to the demands to live closer to employment, entertainment, schools… The new community provides a variety of housing to the area, maintains the look and feel of Kirkland through classic Northwest Architecture and the restoration of the Nettleton Mansion a local landmark all within an once underdeveloped urban infill site. The location of the Nettleton site is only a little over quarter mile from the new Google Campus making living and working here “eco” and “economically” friendly (i.e. lose the car), and healthy and sustainable, (i.e. walk and frequent local businesses).

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why Is a Walkable Community Important?

The simple fact is, if you live in a walkable community, one that has some where to walk to, you are more apt to get out and do it. This motivation over time will lead to a better quality of life, better health and is fun.

This is becoming more and more important as our hectic lives, modern conveniences and electronic age reduce our our activity levels significantly. This has led to increasingly sedentary lifestyles for more and more people. In fact the percentage of adults who spend MOST of their day sitting increased from 36.8% in 2000 to 39.9% in 2005. This inactivity is now the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States, second only to tobacco use. Walking is considered by many fitness professional as a way to supplement or begin an exercise program, add to quality of life and reduce stress. created an important list of 10 reasons we should all walk get out and walk more:

1. Walking prevents type 2 diabetes. The Diabetes Prevention Program showed that walking 150 minutes per week and losing just 7% of your body weight (12-15 pounds) can reduce your risk of diabetes by 58%.

2. Walking strengthens your heart if you're male. In one study, mortality rates among retired men who walked less than one mile per day were nearly twice that among those who walked more than two miles per day.

Walking strengthens your heart if you're female. Women in the Nurse's Health Study (72,488 female nurses) who walked three hours or more per week reduced their risk of a heart attack or other coronary event by 35% compared with women who did not walk.

Walking is good for your brain. In a study on walking and cognitive function, researchers found that women who walked the equivalent of an easy pace at least 1.5 hours per week had significantly better cognitive function and less cognitive decline than women who walked less than 40 minutes per week. Think about that!

Walking is good for your bones. Research shows that postmenopausal women who walk approximately one mile each day have higher whole-body bone density than women who walk shorter distances, and walking is also effective in slowing the rate of bone loss from the legs.

Walking helps alleviate symptoms of depression. Walking for 30 minutes, three to five times per week for 12 weeks reduced symptoms of depression as measured with a standard depression questionnaire by 47%.

Walking reduces the risk of breast and colon cancer. Women who performed the equivalent of one hour and 15 minutes to two and a half hours per week of brisk walking had an 18% decreased risk of breast cancer compared with inactive women. Many studies have shown that exercise can prevent colon cancer, and even if an individual person develops colon cancer, the benefits of exercise appear to continue both by increasing quality of life and reducing mortality.

Walking improves fitness. Walking just three times a week for 30 minutes can significantly increase cardiorespiratory fitness.

Walking in short bouts improves fitness, too! A study of sedentary women showed that short bouts of brisk walking (three 10-minute walks per day) resulted in similar improvements in fitness and were at least as effective in decreasing body fatness as long bouts (one 30-minute walk per day).

Walking improves physical function. Research shows that walking improves fitness and physical function and prevents physical disability in older persons.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Village Walk in Bothell Scores 88 on a website that allows you to find a walkable place to live by calculating a Walk Score for any address ranks Village Walk in Bothell an 88 which equates to “Very Walkable”.  Walk Score uses a patent-pending system to measure the walkability of an address. The Walk Score algorithm awards points based on the distance to the closest amenity in each category. If the closest amenity in a category is within .25 miles (or .4 km), it assign the maximum number of points. The number of points declines as the distance approaches 1 mile (or 1.6 km)—no points are awarded for amenities further than 1 mile. Each category is weighted equally and the points are summed and normalized to yield a score from 0–100. The number of nearby amenities is the leading predictor of whether people walk.

The ranking goes from Car Dependant to Walkers Paradise. The general guidelines for interpreting your score:

·       90–100 = Walkers' Paradise: Most errands can be accomplished on foot and many people get by without owning a car.

·       70–89 = Very Walkable: It's possible to get by without owning a car.

·       50–69 = Somewhat Walkable: Some stores and amenities are within walking distance, but many everyday trips still require a bike, public transportation, or car.

·       25–49 = Car-Dependent: Only a few destinations are within easy walking range. For most errands, driving or public transportation is a must.

·       0–24 = Car-Dependent (Driving Only): Virtually no neighborhood destinations within walking range. You can walk from your house to your car!

In addition to your walk score, provides great information on what makes a neighborhood walkable, why walking matters and provides links to a host of related websites and blogs. 


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Feet First Maps Kirkland

Feet First a non-profit organization serving Washington State to “promote the rights and interests of pedestrians and encourage walking” has mapped the City of Kirkland.

“Neighborhoods on Foot series” as the maps are called are “periodicals” and include current events, schools, parks, transits, trails, civil buildings and more. The maps are easy to use and include radius markers that give walkers a general idea how long it will take to walk to a certain location. For example, the Nettleton Commons Community, a new housing community near downtown Kirkland is shown within a 5 minute walk of Peter Kirk Park, Kirkland Transit Center, Kirkland Library, Performance Center, Lee Johnson Field and many other popular destinations.

The maps can be found online (not all maps are available) or free from and many shops, cafes, libraries, and community centers.

Walking towards better health

Most of us can definitely use more exercise in our daily routine. Let’s face it, without your health, what do you have? So, every year we set out with lofty goals to go to the gym, run, swim, bike and so on. By March gym attendance drops, motivation wanes and we set aside our goals because getting to the gym or pool was time consuming, traffic and parking was stressful, the gym was crowded, expensive and quite frankly we just got bored with the whole thing. So what can we do? A simple answer is walk. Walking is the oldest and least expensive form of exercise and most importantly it works!! reports that “Walkers have less incidence of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other killer diseases. They live longer and get mental health and spiritual benefits.” USA Today reports on a recent study conducted by The Active Living Research Program at San Diego State University, that “People did 40 to 50 minutes more physical activity per week if their neighborhoods were designed for pedestrians…” which ultimately led to the conclusion that these people were healthier and leaner overall.

In addition, walking can be the easy, inexpensive and fun way to get started on a new fitness lifestyle. The Walking Site, a website dedicated to walking, says it best, “The toughest thing about starting a fitness program is developing a habit.” Too many of us rush out in the beginning and push ourselves too hard. This can result in fatigue, possible injury and worse burnout. To combat this, start off slow. recommends, “…walk for 10 minutes, and walk back. That's it? Yes, that's it. Do this every day for a week. If this was easy for you, add five minutes to your walks next week (total walking time 25 minutes). Keep adding 5 minutes until you are walking as long as desired.” Not only will this plan get you healthier in the process, it is attainable, and will start to modify your behavior until physical activity becomes a part of your everyday life. Most importantly make sure to do this regularly for at least a month as 21 days of routine behavior is the widely accepted time frame for creating (or changing) a habit. This accomplishment, change in everyday activity and how you feel will no doubt take you on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

As well as being healthy, walking is a peaceful and interesting way to get exercise. As opposed to squeezing into the gym and watching TV while you walk on a device that tries to mimic the natural world, instead get outside and see what your community has to offer. Watching the seasons change, visiting a new business in your community, walking your kids to school are all fun adventures that will surely take your mind off the fact that you are actually getting exercise. Yes, sometimes the weather can be less than perfect, but with the right preparation a brisk walk to a local coffee shop can be a healthy and invigorating adventure during any season. So, gather up your family, friends and neighbors and get out and walk to your health, the rewards tomorrow could Literally change your life.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Kirkland Triathlon September 20, 2009

Kirkland will be hosting the Kirkland Triathlon at Carillon Point on September 20th starting at 7:00 AM. The Kirkland Triathlon debuted in 2002 and included over 1300 athletes which made it one of the largest first year sprint Tri’s in US history!!!!

This year will no doubt be full of energy and excitement brining athletes from all around to downtown Kirkland. Even if you have not participated in a Triathlon or even watched one, don’t miss it, it is always exciting and motivating.

Ever thought about competing in a triathlon, marathon or other athletic event? Or maybe you just want to get into the gym more frequently, run a couple days a week? Well where you live matters. Having the right amenities near you is crucial to maintaining your schedule and motivation. There is nothing more frustrating than working late and having to drive in traffic to your gym, pool or lake to get your exercise.

In contrast, downtown Kirkland offers EVERYTHING you need to, recreate, maintain your health and train to the next level. Several gyms are located in Downtown Kirkland including my favorite Kirkland Crossfit. In addition, ball fields, tennis courts, basketball courts, skate park and outdoor pool are all centrally located in Peter Kirk Park. Of course Mother Nature provided the most amazing of all training grounds, Lake Washington which is an integral part of downtown Kirkland and provides endless opportunities for exercise including open water swimming, jogging (around) and kayaking. Last but definitely not least is biking. Biking is not only embraced in Kirkland, it is encouraged and many residents preferred mode of transportation. Just recently, The City of Kirkland installed a new sensor system that is used by bikers to activate traffic signals similar to how automobiles do currently. Very Cool!!!!

So considering your health and activities when choosing a home is crucial and will pay “quality of life” dividends everyday. Consider something that is close to everything, easy to maintain and has some room for all your exercise necessities: Mountain Bike, Road Bike, Tri-Bike, Kayak, Roller Blades, Skateboards, Paddleboard, Basketball, Football, Tennis Racket (you get the picture) A perfect example is the Nettleton Commons located a stones throw from downtown Kirkland offering beautiful new (which means very little maintenance) single family homes with garages (to hold all your equipment) and grounds that are maintained by the Homeowners association, so you can focus on having fun!!!! Come check out Nettleton Commons after you watch the finishers accomplish their goals at the Kirkland Triathlon.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Walkable Neighborhoods equals Housing Recovery and Increased Value

When I think of “Walkable Neighborhoods” the first thing that comes to mind is Quality of Life.

The idea that I don’t have to get into my automobile and instead being able to get outside, exercise and visit places where I want to be on foot is all that I need. However, there is also a direct economic benefit to Walkable Neighborhoods that may not always get recognized and in these difficult times may present buyers a great opportunity. The Concord Group, (a leading real estate strategy firm with offices in Newport Beach, San Francisco and Boston. TCG's employing 40 consultants completing over 350 assignments annually in the U.S., Europe, Asia and Latin America). recently prepared a report titled “United States Housing Outlook, When Will Markets Recover?” In this report, The Concord Group forecasts the U.S. housing market and discusses both risk and opportunity in real estate. The report shows significant variations in regional real estate markets based on a wide variety of contributing factors. One such area that was discussed was the opportunities that exist within specific submarkets even when the greater region may be suffering. The report specifically states “Locations with proximity to quality schools, accessible leisure and entertainment options and diversity of jobs will also outperform recover timeframes. Submarket-level analyses will identify opportunities and constraints that diverge from the regional average. Regions with strong long-term growth fundamentals and diversified economic bases will emerge earliest, whereas the outlying commuter markets will lag”. It goes on to say that “quality new housing” in core employment centers are expected to be an opportunity, particularly in competitive infill environments.

Another report, "Walking the Walk: How Walkability Raises Housing Values in U.S. Cities," commissioned by CEO’s for Cities which is a national network of urban leaders from civic, business, academic and philanthropic sectors look at 94,000 real-estate transactions in 15 markets. In 13 of those markets, higher levels of "walkability" were DIRECTLY linked to higher home values. The report is one of a kind in that it looked solely at the economics of living within a Walkable community and left other items such as the health and environmental benefits alone. One example was two neighborhoods in Charlotte N.C. where one neighborhood with a walk score of 54 had median home prices of $280,000 while in Whilmore, where the average score was 71, median prices of similar homes were $314,000 with each point increase in Walkability resulting in a $500 to $3000 increase in value. In the end the report concludes with the idea that "This is not about people having to live without cars." Rather, it's about giving people the option to use them less often. "They don't need to use them for every single trip, and when they do have to, they don't have to drive as far,"

Simply put, communities that are close to jobs, schools, restaurants, retail etc…are the homes that depreciate the least in tough economic times and the first to recover when things improve. So while your walking to your favorite restaurant, park or walking the kids to school, not only is your quality of life improved, by you can be secure in knowing that you’ve made the best possible investment in your home possible.


Bothell RiverFest August 30th

Sunday August 30th marks the 9th Annual Riverfest in Bothell. The event is FREE and will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in downtown Bothell between Main and NE 185th Street. Some of the events will be a car show, live music, local merchants market, hobby and volunteer expo along with a variety of fun events for the kids. So make sure to come out and participate and support your community!!! While your there take a stroll to two exciting new residential communities in downtown Bothell. Village Walk and Ross Road Townhomes located just a stones throw north of NE 185th  Street. Who knows maybe next year you can leave the car at home and walk to RiverFest and every that downtown Bothell has to offer!!!! 



Thursday, August 13, 2009

City of Kirkland gets 5th in America's Most Walkable Cities

The City of Kirkland was ranked 5th in walkable cities with a population of 500,000 or more by The article praises the City of Kirkland for their significant efforts to create a truly pedestrian friendly community. In fact, Kirkland was described as a “model of institutional pedestrian protection”.

The article also does a great job of outlining what makes a walkable city and thus what is so great about living in a walkable community. They are:

1. Compact and diverse development: A great example is the latest Kirkland Community “Nettelton Commons” Located near everything, this community has access to it all!!!

2. Places to walk: The Waterfront, Peter Kirk Park, Kirkland Library, Kirkland Performance Center, Shops and Restaurants, the list goes on and on….

3. No Impassable Barriers: The City of Kirkland was the first city in Washington State to adopt a Complete Streets Ordinance which provides for the design of streets that will enable safe access for all users.

4. Beauty: The City of Kirkland is one of the most scenic cities anywhere with it tree lined streets and one of a kind waterfront.

5. Safety: Among the many safety, traffic calming and other pedestrian improvements found throughout the city, Kirkland is credited with creating and implementing the pedestrian flag!!!! This program is now used throughout the U.S. and provides a safe and efficient way to move residents throughout the community.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Kirkland Prioritizes "Walkability"

The below link will take you to a great King 5 Report with Jane McCarthy regarding what the City of Kirkland and a local developer are doing to help make our Cities Walkable. Check it out.

Top 10 Benefits of a Walkable Community

There seems to be more discussion everyday regarding walkable communities. Why is this topic on peoples mind? It can only be the benefits of a walkable community that makes this issue important.

Benefits are of course different for each of us, but for the sake of discussion I have attached a list of 10 benefits that seem to show up in almost every list. From this list I will go into further detail on each in subsequent blog posts.

So here are the most common benefits of walkable communities. Please feel free to provide your own or comments about these!!!!

1. Less traffic congestion: According to the Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey, 25 percent of all car trips are less than a mile. Sidewalks and safe crossings enable you to reach destinations on foot, which reduces traffic congestion and air pollution.

2. Higher property values: Homes in pedestrian-friendly communities make good investments. Sidewalks and quiet, tree-lined streets boost the value of your home. A 1999 study by the Urban Land Institute showed buyers willing to pay a $20,000 premimum for homes in walkable/ pedestrian friendly areas verus homes in surrounding areas.

3. Lower transportation costs: Fewer car trips = lower gasoline costs. Each time you walk instead of drive, you save money on gas and maintenance.

4. Stronger local businesses: A walkable downtown attracts more stores and creates a thriving place to shop, eat, and find entertainment. Dense, walkable neighborhoods offer places that are easier for pedestrians to shop at many stores in one trip, eliminating the need to drive between destinations. Furthermore, walkable communities seem to attract tourists who are interested in these active, safe and interesting neighborhoods. In turn, tourism helps maintain a thriving local economy!!!

5. Sense of community: Where pleasant walking conditions exist, residents are more likely to know their neighbors and feel connected to their community. In addition, walking increases social capital by promoting face-to-face interaction with neighbors. According to studies published by Cascadia Scorecard, for every 10 minutes a person spends in a daily car commute, time spent in community activities falls by 10 percent.

6. Reduced crime: Vibrant, walkable neighborhoods have more eyes on the street both in the form of people and the orientation buldings making Walkable neighborhoods a safe place to walk, work, live and visit.

7. Better health: People who live in walkable communities are more active and enjoy cleaner air. Studies are showing that the residents of walkable communities have a lower BMI number (Body Mass Index) than that of someone who lives in a more suburban neighborhood. Additionally, residents of walkable neighborhoods drive less and suffer fewer car accidents, a leading cause of death between the ages of 15–45.

8. Less stress: Making multiple car trips per day, shuttling children and driving in commuter traffic can be a stressful undertaking. On the otherhand, Being outdoors and walking with your family to your desinations can improve your health, reduce stress, save time and provide quality time together as a family.

9. Less pollution: Walking creates no harmful emissions.

10. Increased pedestrian safety: With increased pedestrian activity comes improved pedestrian facilities which in turn leads to more pedestrians which ultimately leads to streets that are safe to cross and comfortable for pedestrians, of all ages and abilities.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Daily Journal of Commerce Report on CamWest's Latest Walkable Community

Daily Journal of Commerce
June 26, 2009
Mansion moved to make way for 24 new homes in Kirkland

Image courtesy of CamWest Development
The Nettleton Mansion was moved to a new location on the site. CamWest is selling the home for $1.2 million.

These days when it comes to residential development, walkability trumps location.
The two factors are tightly intertwined, yet developers such as CamWest Development like to feature the pedestrian experience.
In launching Nettleton Commons, a project with 25 single-family homes about a quarter-mile from downtown Kirkland, CamWest directs reporters to, which calculates an area's walkability.
The 2.5-acre project site's highest score is closest to downtown. That area rates a 97 out of 100, or what WalkScore says is a “walker's paradise.”
Go to the point farthest from the city center and the score drops to 82, which the site still considers “very walkable.”
“We've always been focused on infill,” said Eric Campbell, president of CamWest, which was formed 20 years ago at about the time the state approved the Growth Management Act, whose aim is to combat urban and suburban sprawl.
As more people moved to the Puget Sound region from the East Coast and other countries where walkability is prized, CamWest began adding pedestrian amenities to its developments.
A curving sidewalk cuts through the middle of Nettleton Commons.
A curving sidewalk serves as the spine of Nettleton Commons, Campbell said. Residents and neighbors will be able to cut through the approximately $12 million project as they walk or bicycle to and from downtown rather than walking along State Street.
Drivers will also be able to traverse Nettleton Commons, though the street, Third Lane South, curves and would be slower than traveling on State.
The key to developing a walkable community is to work with consultants “who can work with and be creative with the topography,” Campbell said. “What you don't want is a team that comes in with a pre-conceived design package.”
The 1914 Nettleton Mansion, a southern-colonial revival style home built for former Seattle Post-Intelligencer publisher Clark M. Nettleton, was on the site. It was designed as a replica of his wife Jennie's childhood home in Missouri.
The mansion later became a funeral home.
CamWest worked with the city of Kirkland and Kirkland Heritage Society to preserve the mansion, which was moved to a different location on the site and refurbished. The Robinson Co. of Snohomish County moved the mansion.
CamWest is selling the home, which is slightly less than 3,000 square feet, for $1.2 million.
The 24 new homes are sized from nearly 2,200 square feet to slightly more than 2,800 square feet. They will range in price from the high $600,000s to the high $800,000s, Campbell said.
The three-star BuiltGreen homes were designed to capture natural light. The homes have open floor plans, high-end kitchens and hardwood floors.
CamWest, which is its own general contractor, began construction late last year. The project is to be done in September.
Campbell said there still is demand for close-in locations. With lower interest rates and lower construction costs, he said today's purchasing power is as much as 25 percent greater than it was 18 months ago.
Triad Associates did the site plan and landscape architecture. The Dahlin Group is the architect. False Creek Design Group of Vancouver, B.C., designed the interiors. Site Development Co. of Bothell is the project civil engineer. David Little of Windermere is the listing agent.

Copyright ©2009 Seattle Daily Journal and Comments? Questions? Contact us.

Welcome to our "Walkable Community Blog"

Finally after entirely too long we have our Walkable Communities blog up and going. The idea is to create a place for residents, business owners, public officials (just about anyone) who utilizes their neighborhood by foot or on two wheels the opportunity to share events, discussions, information, photos, opinions etc. related to Walkable Communities here in the Pacific Northwest.

Our hope is that this forum will become a positive place that both provides information and fosters community and maybe even elicits change for the better.

To start things off lets define what a “Walkable Community” is:

From my perspective a Walkable Community is where there are a variety of home choices located within close “walkable” proximity to the services and amenities that sustain residents. For example, such services could include retail stores, restaurants, grocery stores, employment, schools, parks, libraries, etc.

For a second and more official opinion, Wikipedia defines walkability as "The extent to which the built environment is friendly to the presence of people living, shopping, visiting, enjoying or spending time in an area".

Thanks for taking time to check us out and we look forward to hearing from you!!!